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The Autocomplete feature empowers you to choose from a curated selection of models, including those from Mistral and Ollama. This advanced tool enhances your coding experience by providing accurate and contextually relevant code suggestions.

How to Use:

  • Go to Autocomplete on CodeGPT Settings:
    • Check the option ✅ Autocomplete ON
    • Provider:
      • CodeGPT Plus - Plus
      • Mistral - codestral-latest
      • Ollama - deepseek-coder:base
      • Ollama- codestral:latest
      • Ollama deepseeek-coder:base
      • Ollama codeqwen:code
      • Ollama codellama:code
      • Ollama codegemma:code
      • Ollama starcoder2
      • Ollama - codegpt/deepseek-coder-1.3b-typescript
    • Max Tokens: The maximum number of tokens to generate. The model will stop once this many tokens have been generated, so this value trades off between latency and coherence.
    • Suggestion Delay: The delay in milliseconds between the last character typed and the request for suggestions. By default is 3000.
Autocomplete settings

  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly incorporate the suggested code snippets into your project, improving code quality and efficiency. Press Tab to accept the suggestion